Inspirational Kitchen Designs with Granite Stones


As part of our design and concept division, we take a look at some of the most inspirational kitchen designs with granite. The inspiration comes from some of the most beautiful and best kitchens in the UAE. The beauty of granite comes in many forms, it can add a touch of sophistication to a simple kitchen design or add an elegant feel to a more complex scheme.

It is not just about the colour but also about the quality and design of a granite tile or slab that makes it look so special. A great design is achieved when using quality stones, but it is also important to use quality materials and fittings to get the best out of your investment. The team at the Fair Deal natural stone factory in Sharjah, UAE shared with our writer about everything on the designing and conceptualization of granite stones in the kitchen floors, surfaces and countertops. If you need inspiration for your next project, keep reading.

Embrace The Natural Beauty Of Granite Countertops

Granite is one of the most popular countertop materials that we carry here at Rocky Mountain Stone.There are several reasons for granite’s widespread use and popularity. It is a very hard, crystalline, igneous rock primarily composed of feldspar, quartz accompanied by one or more dark minerals.

One of the most sought-after kitchen design goals of today is a timeless kitchen. Choosing a colour that blends well with your home’s exterior will give your kitchen a timeless appeal. Granite countertops offer limitless digital design options to make your kitchen entirely unique.

The unique look and feel of granite countertops makes them perfect for any style kitchen design. With so many colours, patterns and textures available, you can customise your kitchen with a look that matches your style preferences perfectly.

Whether you are looking for a traditional or contemporary look or something more modern or rustic, you can find the right granite countertop to fit your needs. We’ve made it easy for you to look at a granite supplier in Sharjah, UAE extensive inventory for high-grade slabs in styles that appeal to you and your personal tastes.

Ways To Design Your Kitchen With Granite Slabs

Antique inspired granite kitchen countertops

The first way to design your kitchen with granite slabs is to choose a slab that has an antique look. The antique look is the most popular of all because it gives a vintage feel to the kitchen. If you want to give your kitchen a rustic appeal, then this is the best option for you. There are many different types of kitchens that can be designed using this type of countertop, such as farmhouse and industrial kitchens.

A scalloped granite countertop with a backsplash for a unique kitchen

The second way to design your kitchen with granite slabs is by using a scalloped countertop with a backsplash. This will make your kitchen look unique and interesting at the same time. The scalloped edges on this type of countertop add elegance and beauty to any space while also making it stand out from other kinds of countertops available in the market today. This type of granite slab has become very popular among homeowners because it gives them an opportunity to create something unique out of their own kitchens.

Modernised granite kitchen with slab granite backsplashes

A modernised granite kitchen has a sleek, contemporary look that works well with most styles of furniture. The colour scheme of this room features dark brown cabinets and light blue walls to match the tones of the marble countertops. The backsplash here is made from white subway tile that matches the flooring perfectly.

The advantage of using this type of countertop is that it has many colours and designs to choose from. Let Fair Deal granite and marble suppliers in Sharjah make it easy for you to create your own personal design for your kitchen.

A Grecian inspired granite kitchen countertop and backsplash

The Grecian design is one of the most popular styles used in kitchens today. This style uses light colours with dark accents to create an elegant look that will make any room stand out. If you are looking for inspiration on how to design your kitchen with this style then here are some ideas that you may want to consider:

Use white cabinets with gold accents on them or use black cabinets with gold accents on them instead if you prefer a darker colour scheme instead of white ones. Either way, it will give the room more depth than just using one colour alone would have done on its own without adding any other elements.

Farmhouse vibe in the Kitchen

The kitchen looks like something straight out of an old English farmhouse. The island has been made from reclaimed wood and granite slabs that have been cut into square sections and placed at an angle. The result is a beautiful piece of furniture that brings elegance and style to the room and enables interior designers to create a farmhouse vibe in your kitchen using granite slabs with a rustic feel.

For example, this granite slab has an uneven surface that mimics the look of concrete or wood. It’s also available in dark hues like dark brown and black that give off an industrial vibe.

Things to Know Before Choosing Granite for Your Kitchen

Granite is one of the most popular materials used in home improvement and renovation projects. It’s durable, strong and can be easily cut into any shape or size to fit your kitchen layout. Here are facts you ought to know before making a purchase:

        Choosing a colour that blends well with your home’s exterior will give your kitchen a timeless appeal.

        Value for your money: Granite is more expensive than other materials like quartz, but it offers better value over time because it will last longer.

        Granite is low maintenance, which means you don’t have to worry about staining or scratching it as much as other materials.

        Granite has many colours to choose from, so there's no need to compromise when deciding on a colour scheme for your home.

        Granite has different types of grains meaning you get unique patterning as well as coloration and properties that will set your kitchen design apart from others.

Top Choice For Quality Granite Supply In Dubai, UAE

The article highlights new inspirations in kitchen designs. FairDeal granite designs are very different and innovative. Our design team has a special eye for the best granite. We provide excellent quality, client satisfaction comes first and they value their workmanship and all staff carry out tasks in a very professional manner. In addition, our team will give you tips on how to maintain your new kitchen granite stone to keep it looking good for many years to come. Order appealing granite slabs for your kitchen from the best UAE marble granite suppliers.


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